You may consider this is an apology for rediscovering the value of story-telling. Elisa Pearmain echoes Anthony de Mello and writes: "(h)earing stories from many spiritual traditions reminds us that as human beings we share a common longing for connection, and often find that in how we treat each other." And this is something that moms would naturally be able to provide their children -- the Holy Scriptures and even the Book of Virtues could come in handy -- during family time before the lights are off for the night.
But apart from personal and spiritual growth, Pearmain states that stories are doorways into Learning, Social skills, Peace, and Relaxation and fun. More here.
I'm not your usual bar or pub denizen. Nor have I ever been especially in my college years. So you can't expect me to like playing darts. But the idea of blending dartboards and Math is now a tad irresistible.
You might argue that it's not something one would imagine as useful in the classroom for learning about addition or multiplication. Think again. This flash-based game could help demonstrate the point. But then again, wouldn't it be nice to use real dartboards?
Now if you ask me why the dartboard numbers are in the order they are, this could probably hit the bull's eye. As to going to pubs, perhaps on St. Patrick's Day? Green beer would be interesting.
... despite the chaos that is regular fare in news media.
And Leonardo Fibonacci of 13th century Pisa took extraordinary pains to understand this. Yet from my experience with traditionally-schooled kids doing mundane Math, it makes me wonder why Fibonacci sequence is not introduced after a child knows about 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. So I get a non-plussed look when I declare that 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, is followed by 5.
Good thing I got this activity to explain the concept via tangible patterns. I call it Math + Arts and Crafts.
Could be a springboard when introducing Fractals and Financial Markets later in his career. Who knows maybe the world would be in less turmoil by then.
Yes they call it a zorse. And no that wasn't a handiwork of a Photoshop genius.
But I digress. What makes for a great story-teller's ability to conjure mythical images of basilisks, dragons, griffins, or unicorns that capture the imagination of their rapt audience? Sorry for the rhetorical question.
Point here is that young learners now have the benefit of online tools for unleashing their inner Homer or Rowling.
Perhaps Switcheroo Zoo can come in handy. Better yet, more advanced writers could lay their hands on
So what's with the creative writing thing again? Go figure below.
Susan Hyde offers some answers. She identifies some typical traits:
Intense Sensitivity
Intensity of Interest
Rapid Learning
Advanced Vocabulary and Sense of Humor
Early Reading
She then describes a variety of assessment approaches that may reveal specific areas of strength and weakness, twice exceptionality, and learning styles.
The bottomline seems to make sense, if you consider that traditional practices may be inadequate for a gifted child's appetite for "self-actualization":
"[G]ifted testing should be used to create individualized academic plans for students who need daily intellectual challenges in order to reach their potential.
As to the traits, I'm a bit curious about "Sense of Humor". Marcel Marceau comes to mind. Perhaps being a comic artist could be a sensible career for some gifted children? Seriously.
I thought I could stick closely to the structure of the lesson on Scientific Method, control, variables, etc. with this activity (pdf)on fuselage, wing size and flight of the O-wing glider.
But education should be fun right? So they played and enjoyed it they did. I'd like to think they also learned a thing or two about making a hypothesis.
Mostly they involve digital learners as consumers. Now wouldn't it be nice if involvement were in the form of "gamers-as-producers"? Machinima or Spore comes to mind (No intention to provoke debate between religion and science with the latter).
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
In teaching you will learn
aka multitasking in a social network environment.
So Marcky was working through the topic "plant classification". I am told he was to read through dicots, monocots, and spores.
Meanwhile, I was scanning Li and Bernoff's "groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies". Next, I began juggling e-mails, facebook updates, and Google searches.
Then I took a trip to the garden patch that we call our very own "fern gully", and clipped samples of, erm, ferns.
After a quick slide prep of a spore specimen, this is what Marcky discovered under the microscope:
Interesting, heh! Now for the bonus part. I just learned that dried fern fibers can be woven into bracelets and cellphone cases.
I did some Google search (as usual). Here's the link to the search results. (Nothing conclusive) -- You don't have to click on it. And I wouldn't even quote any of those.
But I'd much rather quote (with apologies) the following post from a friend in a homeschool group:
"Dr. Elkind, has the opinion that free play and unstructured learning will give kids under 6 the best start. This was because their cognitive capacities should dictate what they should be taught. In other words, if a three year old is eager to learn to read, then by all means teach him, but he should not be forced to tell the difference between confusing lower case letters (d, b, p, q) unlesshe wants to know."
Sauce for the goose ... I guess the point here is moderation. Golden mean. Rule of thirds. Informal balance, perhaps?
Want your child to be a pilot? Perhaps Wii can help
Now I'm beginning to sympathize with Jason Rybca's point.
He says:
"Someone told me once that a child that plays video games more often would have a better chance at becoming a successful pilot than someone who seldom picked up a controller. I'm not too sure how much truth there is to that statement, but it would make sense to me, as piloting a large aircraft is much like playing a video game simulator."
Then again I may be wrong. Incidentally that point was a subtext of Rybca's article about Physical Fitness and the Wii here.
Perhaps you might as well ask yourself the same question. You could be one.
To help you make sense of that question, here's a psycho-geometric test developed by Dr. Susan E. Dellinger. Phil Beadle, describes it " (as) a system which classifies everyone into one of five personality types according to a preference for one shape over another."
Beadle continues:
"Where this is of use for children is in terms of developing their own self-knowledge: being analytical about their own personality type so that they can be reflective about their reactions in certain situations. Anything that can help a child reach a higher level of self-awareness can only be of benefit for his development and for his performance when it comes to learning other things."
More here. Click the image below to take the test:
Would be nice to get your response in the comments below.
Ok, so my 5th Grade kid got into serious talk with me about how he used to enjoy Math especially that part about place values and stuff . Now he's on prime factorization and complains about the headache it gives him (In Manila it's called nose-bleed)! [insert emergency sound clip here]
Instinctively, I knew it's about breaking down a concept into its most basic level and that good prime factorization skill offers solid preparation for Algebra. I was ready to argue that it's about learning to drill down to the core of something, like what's inside a fruit. But he wouldn't budge.
"Math is about seeing how things fit it. It is the science of (among other things) patterns and order. If you learn to accept math as a way to describe and think about certain parts of reality, you will get "the big picture" - the picture of math as something beyond just a boring subject in school."
Now what's with the Bill of Rights? You'd have to read the rest of the article to see what I mean.
As to the factorization drills, perhaps this exercise from Quia could help take away the headache?