Tuesday, August 26, 2008

To whom much is given...

I guess it's a matter of responsibility and that being gifted is more a challenge than a badge to be shown around. Now for a lighthearted way of dealing with a child's giftedness, let's take a look at the following list of games that Carol Bainbridge identified for a more enjoyable pursuit of learning with the family. (Items marked with asterisk are those we've tried so far.) Details of the games are here.

1. Set: The Family Game of Visual Perception
2. Cranium Cadoo for Kids *
3. Apples to Apples
4. Mad Gab Game *
5. Spy Alley Board Game
6. DaVinci's Challenge Game
7. The Game of Coda
8. Cogno: The Alien Adventure Game
9. Dinosaurs & Things Board Game
10.Risk Godstorm Game

Perhaps you can share some of your game ideas which could be useful for mental calisthenics?

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